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AquaStar Pipeline Pool & Spa Filters

My first impression of the Pipeline filter was that it was a droid from Star Wars. It has the cool factor covered. After unpacking it and getting a feel for it I must say that I am impressed by it on many levels.


The build quality is great and these filters are made here in the USA. The plastic reminds me a lot of the Sta-Rite System 3 filters which in my opinion are the most durable filters on the market today. The AquaStar Pipeline filters have that same build quality to them. The super compact size will be a game-changer for builders, at least in Southern California where they like to put in the tightest equipment pads.


The actual dimensions of the PLF27000 are 19 ½” wide by 36 ½” tall. The PLF35000 is 19 ½” wide and 46 ½” tall making them amazingly compact.


Here is more about the filters from AquaStar:


Model # PLF27000

200 sq ft cartridge
27,000 gallons
6-Hour Turnover Capacity
108,000 gallons
12-Hour Turnover Capacity


Model # PLF35000

250 sq ft cartridge


35,000 gallons

6-Hour Turnover Capacity


144,000 gallons

12-Hour Turnover Capacity


Pay close attention to these specs to the turnover rate. A turnover on a Pentair 520 sq ft cartridge filter is 108,000 in 12 hours. Did you notice that the PLF27000 a 200 sq ft cartridge filter has the same turnover? That is pretty incredible. This is due to the deeper pleats on the cartridge as well as the core of the filter which has 64% larger openings than other cartridge filters.


Essentially if you purchase either of these Pipeline filters they will have more flow than a filter twice their size! In NSF Certification and testing, these filters were rated as one-pass filters. This means that in the turbidity test, one pass of water through was equal to a D.E. Filter. Another impressive point.


The Pipeline filters also feature a Locking Safety Release Collar that remains fully locked while depressurizing. This will prevent the tank from blowing off in the case where someone tries to clean the filter and take the lid off while the filter is under pressure. A great safety feature that every filter should have.


I mentioned the NSF certification so these filters are of course designed and approved for Commercial pools. Note that all of the specs on flow and turbidity testing were reported and confirmed by NSF testing which is an independent testing entity and these numbers came from them and not from any testing done by AquaStar. An important note which makes these specs even more impressive.

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