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Since 1919, LaMotte has been a committed leader in providing quality water analysis. They produce the broadest line of portable test equipment, Test Kits, and Test Strips. Reagents, instruments, and test kits are designed and manufactured at their  Maryland facility. LaMotte makes a wide variety of accurate and reliable test kits. 


The ColorQ Pro7 is a great kit for both the homeowner DIY and the pool professional. It takes the guesswork out of reading the reagent test results. 


No color matching, no look up charts, no guessing! The unique, multi-test ColorQ pool and spa hand-held photometer read SEVEN test factors listed here. It also tests for these factors in a broad range and comes with enough reagents for 144 test of six factors and 100 tablets for the CYA test. The colorQ Pro7:  


Well worth the initial investment. The ColorQ

Pro 7 is an easy to use a test kit that will make balancing your pool water very easy.


If you're looking for a great test kit you may want to research this test kit. I have two videos also that will help explain the test kit in more detail for you.

 You can order the ColorQ Pro 7 on

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Digital testing is a must for the pool service pro. There are several digital testing methods including photometers and the one like the Tracer PockeTester which uses an electronic probe. Electronic probes are popular among floating in-pool testers and they may be the right method for your testing also. 

Electronic Probe testing is accurate and can test for a variety of factors that a photometer and reagent test kit cannot test for like Salinity, Conductivity, and TDS. Although you can get the pH and Chlorine reading from a photometer a probe tester has a factory accuracy that can't be beaten. For new pool start-ups, the pH range from a probe is something that you will find useful as it has a range from:

pH Range       
pH       0.00 to 14.00 pH
0.01 pH           ±0.01 pH

It measures the Total Chlorine from 0 to 9.99 ppm with an accuracy of 10% and resolution of 0.01 ppm. I found it to be accurate with 2-3% in my testing so this is a very accurate digital tester when used correctly. You will need to do 3 steps to get a correct reading.


MOBILE WaterLink SPIN TOUCH Lab #3581: 10 Test Factors in 60 Seconds

This is the Lamotte WaterLink Spin Touch Mobile which can do 10 test factors in 60 seconds. It is a truly awesome water tester in every way. The readings are reliable and accurate and the testing couldn't be easier. 


The SKU for the Mobil unit is this: Lamotte #3581 MOBILE WaterLink SPIN TOUCH Lab and it is priced at this publication at $889.00. This, of course, is not your everyday test kit but great for so many applications. If you service Commercial Accounts this is a great way to keep your logs for the Health Department and Pool Manager. For Resorts, Hotels, and Clubs this would be a perfect way to get a spot on readings to assure that the Public Pool is safe. And if you are a Health Inspector there is no better water tester than this. Plus it comes with a 2-year warranty.

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