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Power Vac PV2100:


The Power Vac PV2100 is designed for pool Professional's and Homeowners who wish to speed up their pool cleaning time on those pools that get a lot of debris on the bottom. On my pool route, I have several large pools that are always full of large leaves especially in the Fall although here in California the leaves fall off throughout the year so many pools are consistently dirty. 


The best way to describe the Power Vac is a combination between a Robotic cleaner - powerful internal motor and propeller that can be plugged in - although the Power Vac plugs into a battery pack and not a wall outlet. A portable pool pump - since the Power Vac operates independently from the pool filtration system and can pump 14,000 gallons per hour. A manual vacuum since you operate the Power Vac in the same sweeping fashion. And last like a traditional leaf bagger with the exception that you are not using a garden hose and the power of the Power Vac is considerably more powerful with the 35 lb. Thrust Motor. 


To learn more you can watch this video as I go over everything in detail for you:



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